Home LifestylePhilanthropy Crimestoppers GNO launches Safe School app

Crimestoppers GNO launches Safe School app

Safe Schools app

Crimestoppers GNO’s emphasis on youth safety continues to expand with the launch of the Safe School app. A free resource for schools, students can report tips anonymously to Crimestoppers, and Crimestoppers will pass them on for further investigation.

Since implementing the app earlier this year, schools have seen an increase in reporting, especially in areas of bullying, cyberbullying, vaping, drugs, self-harm and relationship violence. Crimestoppers GNO offers companies a way to partner with them in their youth programs to help support this most important service.

You can easily download the Safe School app for your iPhone or Android device.

Darlene Cusanza, Crimestoppers GNO

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