Home Education Chalmette Refining’s Energy Camps return

Chalmette Refining’s Energy Camps return

by The 100 Companies

Employees of Chalmette Refining have been busy hosting “Energy Camps” for high school and college students to learn more about the types of careers offered at the refinery. These annual camps also offer a refinery tour, which includes both the lab and fire station.

The refinery hosted students enrolled in Nunez Community College’s Career Exploration Summer Camps; GNO, Inc.’s WISE (Women in the STEM Economy) program; Tulane Master’s in Energy students; dual enrolled Chalmette High/Nunez Process Technology students; and employees’ children.

To learn more about Energy Camps or sign up for next summer’s camps, contact us at chr.smbpa@pbfenergy.com.

– Elizabeth Ellison-Frost, Community Relations Manager, Chalmette Refining

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