Home Featured News TEGNA Foundation winner: Coalition to Restore Coastal Louisiana

TEGNA Foundation winner: Coalition to Restore Coastal Louisiana

by The 100 Companies

The Coalition to Restore Coastal Louisiana won first place in WWL Louisiana’s latest round of TEGNA grants, receiving $8,000 from the TEGNA Foundation.

Louisiana’s coastline, which has lost roughly 2,000 square miles, continues to erode at a rate of a football field every 100 minutes. CRCL will use the grant money to fund kayak trips into Maurepas Swamp for both students and community members to observe its biodiversity and understand its challenges. Participants will plant five cypress trees each, contributing to swamp restoration.

The TEGNA Foundation’s Community Grant Program supports nonprofit activities in TEGNA’s business areas to benefit the community.

– Ashley Counce, Marketing Strategist, WWL-TV

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