Home Business Unlock value by working ‘on’ your business

Unlock value by working ‘on’ your business

by The 100 Companies

An important question for business owners is whether they are working “in” or “on” their business?

Too often our time is consumed with firefighting, problem solving, being the person on call. At the end of the day we wonder where the time went and why our business is stuck. This is working “in” the business.

Start working “on” your business to unlock value and create success by:
Defining company vision/value – Where are you going?
Identifying your Strategic Advantage – Why do business with you?
Building your Strategic Plan – How do you get there?
Review Key Performance Indicators – How are you progressing?

– David Purvis, Executive Coach and Board Facilitator, The Alternative Board New Orleans NorthWest (article submitted by the New Orleans Chamber of Commerce)

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